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Bücher von Alli Koch

Founder and designer of Alli K Design. You may have known her from high school as the girl who doodled all over everything and had handwritten notes that looked like a computer font. She's been practising her handwriting ever since she can remember, and she's been putting that practice to good use these days with Alli K Design. Alli K Design is all she's ever known, transitioning straight out of college into her own design company and turning that handwriting practice into a professional practice and those random doodles into expert illustrations. A typical day for Alli includes: going to Chick-Fil-A (typically two, okay maybe three times a day), hanging and working at her studio. Along with her love of all things Chick-Fil-A, she's also a big fan of the colour black. Not only is it the main colour of the ink that fills her pages and designs, but it's also the basis of her wardrobe.