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Bücher von Andrew Knapp

Andrew Knapp is a designer, photographer, and tireless traveler from Canada. Along with his commercial photography and design work, he s filmed a TEDx Talk, worked brands such as Target, Starbucks, Canon, Sony, and Volvo, and cofounded Up Here Festival in Sudbury, Ontario. His Instagram feed featuring photographs of his border collie Momo became an internet sensation, and has gained 630,000+ followers and counting. His first book, FIND MOMO, combined Instagram-style imagery with high-quality photography and introduced Momo to a wider audence, and was followed by FIND MOMO COAST TO COAST and the board book LET S FIND MOMO. MOMO is an adorable border collie, Andrew s BFF, an excellent traveling companion, and a genius at hiding.
Let's Find Momo! von Andrew Knapp
Let's Find Momo!Andrew Knapp
Sehr Gut
Find Momo von Andrew Knapp
Find MomoAndrew Knapp
Sehr Gut
Find Momo Coast to Coast von Andrew Knapp
Find Momo Coast to CoastAndrew Knapp
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