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Bücher von Kevin Murphy

Kevin D. Murphy is professor and executive officer in the Ph.D. Program in Art History at the CUNY Graduate Center. He is the author of Jonathan Fisher of Blue Hill, Maine: Commerce, Culture, and Community on the Eastern Frontier (2010), as well as articles on nineteenth- and twentieth century subjects in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, the Winterthur Portfolio, and the Journal of Urban History. Sally O'Driscoll is teaches English at Fairfield University. Her work on eighteenth-century literature and culture has appeared in such journals as Signs, Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, and Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation.
Heathers von Kevin Murphy
HeathersKevin Murphy
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Year at the Movies Pb von Kevin Murphy
Year at the Movies PbKevin Murphy
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Training Your Parrot von Kevin Murphy
Training Your ParrotKevin Murphy
Judo von Kevin Murphy
JudoKevin Murphy
Revolution and Counterrevolution von Kevin Murphy
Revolution and CounterrevolutionKevin Murphy
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