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Bücher von Florence Given

Florence Given is a bestselling feminist author, award-winning podcaster and illustrator based in London. She grew up in Plymouth and attended London College of Fashion, after which she went on to pursue art and writing. Florence broke records with her first book, Women Don't Owe You Pretty, a feminist manifesto which challenged outdated patriarchal narratives and inspired women across the globe. In all her work, from her non-fiction writing to her debut novel and hit podcast, Florence uses her platform to bring women together and give them a permission slip to define feminism on their own terms.
Women Don't Owe You Pretty von Florence Given
Women Don't Owe You PrettyFlorence Given
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Girlcrush von Florence Given
GirlcrushFlorence Given
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Women Don't Owe You Pretty von Florence Given
Women Don't Owe You PrettyFlorence Given
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Women Don't Owe You Pretty von Florence Given
Women Don't Owe You PrettyFlorence Given
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Girlcrush von Florence Given
GirlcrushFlorence Given
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Girlcrush von Florence Given
GirlcrushFlorence Given
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FLORENCE GIVEN von Florence Given
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