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Strength and Fitness Training Andy Wadsworth

Strength and Fitness Training von Andy Wadsworth

Strength and Fitness Training Andy Wadsworth

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All you need to know about exercising to build and maintain strength and fitness, shown in over 300 practical photographs and sequences.

Strength and Fitness Training Zusammenfassung

Strength and Fitness Training Andy Wadsworth

This title offers all you need to know about exercising for strength and fitness in more than 300 expert photographs. Improve your body shape, get stronger bones and muscles, and increase your energy levels with targeted resistance training, at home or in the gym. This title covers all the key types of resistance equipment including barbells, dumbbells, machines and weights. It describes how effective exercise is vital for weight loss and weight maintenance. Clear instructions guide you through the correct technique for each exercise, with more than 300 step-by-step photographs. It offers expert and safe advice for everyone, from beginner to practised weight trainer. Exercises are geared to decrease your chance of injury and reduce muscle and joint pains. Metabolic rate inevitably declines as you age but regular strength training can reverse this decline and result in a stronger musculoskeletal system. This practical guide to strength and fitness training will improve your overall physical fitness and metabolism, as well as benefitting your balance, co-ordination and posture. The book tells you all you need to know about the equipment you need and the techniques to use, the correct footwear, and warming up. Illustrated with more than 300 step-by-step photographs, this guide will help you to make a positive impact on your physical fitness.

Über Andy Wadsworth

Andy Wadsworth is a former world-class athlete, first competing as a professional mountain bike racer globally, then winning the 2002 Xterra Offroad Triathlon Amateur World Championship. Before his athletic career, he gained a degree in Sport and Human Movements. Andy is currently the director of My Life Personal Training, with gyms in Bristol, England, where he leads a team of professional trainers. He regularly trains elite international sportspeople, including cyclists, triathletes, runners and golfers. He and his team also work with around 350 non-athletic clients a week to help them achieve the results they want. He has written for a variety of sport magazines: Men's Health, What Mountain Bike, 220 Triathlon, Fairway to Green and Men's Fitness. He is a regular contributor to BBC radio.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Strength and Fitness Training Andy Wadsworth
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Anness Publishing
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