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The Air Raid Killer Frank Goldammer

The Air Raid Killer von Frank Goldammer

The Air Raid Killer Frank Goldammer

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1


Previously published as Der Angstmann by dtv Verlagsgellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Munich--Title page verso.

The Air Raid Killer Zusammenfassung

The Air Raid Killer Frank Goldammer

As World War II ends, a killer's game begins. In the final days of the Nazi regime, with the historic city of Dresden on the brink of destruction, terrifying rumors spread about the Fright Man, a demonic killer who exploited the cover of a nighttime air raid siren to mutilate and kill a young nurse. Just as seasoned detective Max Heller begins investigating, the Fright Man kills again... The investigation seems hopeless. Desperate refugees flood the streets, all of Heller's resources are depleted, and his new boss is a ruthless SS officer. And like so many others, Heller and his wife, Karin, survive on meager rations while fearing for the lives of their sons at the front. But as tensions mount and enemy firebombs decimate the city, dangerous new clues come to light-and the determined Heller pursues a violent and twisting path to unmask a monster.

Über Frank Goldammer

Frank Goldammer was born in Dresden and is an experienced professional painter as well as a novelist. The Air Raid Killer is his first crime novel translated from German. He's a single father of twins and lives with his family in his hometown. Visit him at www.frank-goldammer.de.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Air Raid Killer Frank Goldammer
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Amazon Publishing
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