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Still Awake Lyndsey Hookway

Still Awake von Lyndsey Hookway

Still Awake Lyndsey Hookway

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Helping you navigate your child's bedtime routine and sleep, from toddler to tween, to benefit the whole family.

Still Awake Zusammenfassung

Still Awake: Responsive sleep tools for toddlers to tweens Lyndsey Hookway

Many parents struggle with sleep when their children are babies - and there are hundreds of books on the subject - but what happens to night-time parenting when you have a toddler or older child and the strategies that may have worked for your baby no longer seem to be helping? Older children's sleep is often complicated by factors which cannot be addressed simply by optimising a nap or tweaking the bedtime routine, and parents can feel frustrated and confused when their older children continue to wake at night or find it hard to settle. Still Awake is a relatable and non-judgemental book for parents of children aged 18 months to 12 years old, and those that work with them, which explains the science of children's sleep and provides a multitude of practical and creative tools to support sleep, reduce conflict at bedtime and improve relationships. Firmly rooted in gentle and respectful parenting, it is an essential tool for improving night-times for the whole family. Still Awake includes:
  • Expert contributions from more than 20 professionals from all over the world who work in sleep and related fields with this age group
  • Advice for parents of children who are adopted/fostered, or who have chronic health problems and disability
  • Perspectives from parents from around the world and from different cultures

Still Awake Bewertungen

Few can do what Lyndsey does. She connects the science and the detail with the emotion and experience of new parenting and communicates it all in a way we can understand. Emma Pickett IBCLC and author of The Breast Book

-- Emma Pickett IBCLC and author of The Breast Book

Lyndsey's work is a breath of fresh air as it offers families evidence-based, non-judgmental, and practical advice that doesn't ignore that there are real people with real feelings who are struggling with their baby's sleep. Her compassion for their struggles is clear without compromising on the gentle nature of her advice and this helps set her apart. Tracy Cassels, PhD

-- Tracy Cassels, PhD

Über Lyndsey Hookway

Lyndsey Hookway is a London-trained paediatric nurse, health visitor, IBCLC, holistic sleep coach, independent lecturer and international speaker. She is the author of Let's talk about your new family's sleep. She is currently undertaking a postgraduate degree at Swansea University, exploring the needs of medically complex breastfed children and their families. She has an international private practice and runs a successful online sleep programme which promotes responsive parenting and family-centred care. She is particularly known for her creative sleep solutions for toddlers and preschoolers.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Still Awake: Responsive sleep tools for toddlers to tweens Lyndsey Hookway
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