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Brave Thinking Mary Morrissey

Brave Thinking von Mary Morrissey

Brave Thinking Mary Morrissey

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A 'brave thinking' approach to changing everything from your finances to your future

Brave Thinking Zusammenfassung

Brave Thinking: The Art and Science of Creating a Life You Love Mary Morrissey

Upgrade your mind to upgrade your life. What if you could accomplish your five-year plan in a matter of months? If that sounds impossible, you're not thinking bravely. Yet. In this transformational guide to changing your life for good, personal development expert and best-selling author Mary Morrissey shows you how to move from stasis to action-by changing the stories you tell yourself. Drawing from advancements in science, timeless principles from wisdom traditions, and her personal stories and insights, Morrissey gives you the tools to overcome common-hour thinking-the fact-based, linear way of processing reality that measures what is possible by what resources you believe are available to you-and replace it with the powerful alternative that is brave thinking. Where common-hour thinking is limiting and uncreative, brave thinking is expansive and imaginative, not limited by time or circumstance or even the past. Brave thinkers know that before something can exist in the real world, it must first exist in your mind. Then, it must be grounded in decisive action. If you want results in life that are different from the ones you currently have, you need a different operating system for your mind. It's time to install brave thinking, and start living the life you want.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Brave Thinking: The Art and Science of Creating a Life You Love Mary Morrissey
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Page Two Books, Inc.
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