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Worthy Nancy Levin

Worthy von Nancy Levin

Worthy Nancy Levin

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Filled with real-life stories, this title includes a 10-step plan that helps us to: get real about the money issues we face every day; examine the excuses we use to avoid creating the life we really want; be willing to see ourselves as worthy of abundance in all its forms; take back our financial power; and watch amazing things start to happen.

Worthy Zusammenfassung

Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth Nancy Levin

Money. We love it. We hate it. If we don't have enough, we're struggling to get more. If we do have it, we're fighting to hold on to it. Why does money have to be such a source of anxiety? Is it possible to find peace? Yes! According to master integrative coach Nancy Levin, the real key to creating financial freedom isn't changing what we do,
it's changing our limiting beliefs - and that requires more than learning how to invest.

In Worthy, Nancy makes an essential, eye-opening connection: the state of our net worth is a direct reflection of our self-worth. Then she shows us how to get to the root of the problem and do the internal work that's needed to replace feelings of unworthiness with a solid sense of our own value. Filled with inspiring real-life stories and
thought-provoking questions and answers, her 10-step plan helps us to:
Get real about the money issues we face every day
Examine the excuses we use to avoid creating the life we really want
Be willing to see ourselves as worthy of abundance in all its forms
Take back our financial power - and watch amazing things start to happen

Whether we're looking for financial ease or a new relationship with money and ourselves, Worthy will give us the tools to clear the path for wholeness, fulfilment and richness not only in our bank accounts but in all areas of our life.

Über Nancy Levin

NANCY LEVIN, bestselling author of Jump . . . And Your Life Will Appear and Writing For My Life, is a Master Integrative Coach and the creator of the JUMP Coaching and WORTHY Coaching programmes, working with clients - privately and in groups - to design lives in alignment with their own truth and desires. She was the Event Director at Hay House for 12 years and hosts her own weekly call-in show, Jump Start Your Life, on Hay House Radio. Nancy received her MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and she continues to live in the Rocky Mountains. www.nancylevin.com

Zusätzliche Informationen

Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth Nancy Levin
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hay House UK Ltd
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