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Brain Book Phil Dobson

Brain Book von Phil Dobson

Brain Book Phil Dobson

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The Brain Book

Brain Book Zusammenfassung

Brain Book: How to Think and Work Smarter Phil Dobson

The Brain Book provides a manual for boosting your performance, and a guide to thinking and working smarter, based on what we know about the brain. Full of practical tips and techniques, you will discover how to strengthen your focus and improve your productivity, enhance your creativity, and improve your memory. You'll learn how to manage stress, improve your sleep, and discover how to keep your brain young and adaptable.

Über Phil Dobson

Phil Dobson is a facilitator, coach and the founder of BrainWorkshops, a leading consultancy in the field of brain-based training. He turns insights from neuroscience, and cognitive and behavioural psychology, into applicable skills for the workplace. He works with companies all over the world, helping their leaders apply what we know about the brain to improve and sustain their performance.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Brain Book: How to Think and Work Smarter Phil Dobson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
LID Publishing
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