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If Women Rose Rooted Sharon Blackie

If Women Rose Rooted von Sharon Blackie

If Women Rose Rooted Sharon Blackie

Zustand - Wie Neu
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A life-changing journey from the wasteland of modern society to a place of nourishment and connection. `This is the core of our task: to respect and revere ourselves, and so bring about a world in which women are respected and revered, recognised once again as holding the life-giving power of the earth itself.'

If Women Rose Rooted Zusammenfassung

If Women Rose Rooted: A life-changing journey to authenticity and belonging Sharon Blackie

If Women Rose Rooted has been described as both transformative and essential. Sharon Blackie leads the reader on a quest to find their place in the world, drawing inspiration from the wise and powerful women in native mythology, and guidance from contemporary role models who have re-rooted themselves in land and community and taken responsibility for shaping the future. Beautifully written, honest and moving, If Women Rose Rooted is a passionate song to a different kind of femininity, a rallying, feminist cry for the rewilding of womanhood; reclaiming our role as guardians of the land.

If Women Rose Rooted Bewertungen

'Mind-blowing. An anthem for all we could be . . . I sincerely hope every woman who can read has the time and space to read it.' Manda Scott | 'Powerful and inspiring.' Melissa Harrison | 'A beautiful, intelligent and unusual book... I'm hoping this book will become the anthem of our generation.' Kate Forsyth | 'It is heartening to read a progressive view of the women's movement and one that links with care for the Earth and all living beings. This book is very well recommended.' GreenSpirit

Über Sharon Blackie

Dr Sharon Blackie is an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction, a psychologist who has specialised both in neuroscience and narrative, and a mythologist with a specialisation in Celtic Studies. Her unique approach to working with myth, fairy tales and folklore highlights the insights these traditions can offer us into authentic and meaningful ways of being which are founded on a deep sense of belonging to place, a rootedness in the land we inhabit.

Zusätzliche Informationen

If Women Rose Rooted: A life-changing journey to authenticity and belonging Sharon Blackie
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
September Publishing
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