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"Dance First, Think Later. Workman Publishing

"Dance First. Think Later" von Workman Publishing

"Dance First, Think Later. Workman Publishing

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A collection of the greatest life wisdom from an unexpected group of speakers, doers, and thinkers. It includes 618 rules to live by - funny, sly, declarative, thoughtful, offhanded, clever, and always profound.

"Dance First, Think Later. Zusammenfassung

"Dance First, Think Later.: 618 Rules to Live By Workman Publishing

Created by Kathryn and Ross Petras, connoisseurs of quotes, whose books and calendars have over 56 million copies in print, "Dance First, Think Later" is a collection of the greatest life wisdom from an unexpected group of speakers, doers, and thinkers. There are 618 rules to live by - funny, sly, declarative, thoughtful, offhanded, clever, and always profound.

"Dance First, Think Later. Bewertungen

"Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." (Roald Dahl) "If everything is under control, you are going too slow." (Mario Andretti) "Never make a credit decision on a beach." (Victor J. Boschini) "Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order." (Samuel Beckett)"

Über Workman Publishing

Kathryn and Ross Petras, sister and brother, are great curators of quotes whose calendar, The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said, has sold over 4.6 million copies. Kathryn Petras lives in Seattle. Ross and Kathryn Petras, brother and sister, are great curators of quotes whose calendar, The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said, has sold over 4.6 million copies. Ross Petras lives in Toronto.

Zusätzliche Informationen

"Dance First, Think Later.: 618 Rules to Live By Workman Publishing
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Workman Publishing
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