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Goat and Donkey in Strawberry Sunglasses Simon Puttock

Goat and Donkey in Strawberry Sunglasses By Simon Puttock

Goat and Donkey in Strawberry Sunglasses by Simon Puttock

Condition - Very Good
Only 1 left


When Goat offers to do the grocery shopping, Donkey knows that things might just get a little muddled! He writes out a list so that Goat will know exactly what to buy. But, the market is such a dazzling place. Instead of apples, carrots, cabbages and ice cream, Goat buys a sun hat, a trumpet and a pair of sunglasses decorated with strawberries.

Goat and Donkey in Strawberry Sunglasses Summary

Goat and Donkey in Strawberry Sunglasses by Simon Puttock

When Goat offers to do the grocery shopping, Donkey knows that things might just get a little muddled! He writes out a list so that Goat will know exactly what to buy. But the market is such a dazzling place and Goat sees so many lovely things. Instead of apples, carrots, cabbages and ice cream, Goat buys a sun hat, an inflatable octopus, a trumpet and a pair of sunglasses decorated with strawberries! What ever will Donkey make of all the surprises that Goat has in his basket when he trots triumphantly back home? Goodness knows! A delightful duo - Goat and Donkey are ready to entertain children and parents everywhere.

Additional information

Goat and Donkey in Strawberry Sunglasses by Simon Puttock
Used - Very Good
Oxford University Press
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book - there is no escaping the fact it has been read by someone else and it will show signs of wear and previous use. Overall we expect it to be in very good condition, but if you are not entirely satisfied please get in touch with us

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