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Bücher von Alan Forrest Smith

Alan Forrest Smith is a writer, poet, modern day philosopher, iconoclast, artist, father and master of words.

Despite being his first book, Alan has been using words in a masterful way in business for himself and been hired by some very well, highly acclaimed business persons to write creative, persuasive words in print.

Escape from Zoomanity Vol I is his first book. Escape from Zoomanity Vol II, The Great Escape will be available very soon.

As you can imagine, Alan is also an acclaimed, highly motivational, truly inspiring public speaker. He has spoken in places such as New Zealand, Australia, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, former Soviet union country Latvia, England, Ireland and of course his beloved Scotland.

The Accidental Copywriter von Alan Forrest Smith
The Accidental CopywriterAlan Forrest Smith
Sehr Gut
The Salon Punk von Alan Forrest Smith
The Salon PunkAlan Forrest Smith
Wie Neu
Escape From Zoomanity von Alan Forrest Smith
Escape From ZoomanityAlan Forrest Smith
Sehr Gut