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Bücher von Eyal Yanilov

Master Eyal Yanilov is an Israli Krav Maga instructor. He was the co-founder and chief instructor of the International Krav Maga Federation from 1996 to 2010, and he is currently the chief instructor of Krav Maga Global. He is a graduate of the School for Trainers and Instructors at the Wingate Institute for Sport and Physical Education. He studied with the founder of Krav Maga, Imi Sde-Or, and is one of two Krav Maga practitioners who hold the Master level 3, the highest level granted by Imi Sde-Or, and Founder's Diploma of Excellence. In 2010, he founded MaxKravMaga.com, and online Krav Maga training program. Dr. Ole Boe is a Norwegian Special Forces officer and psychologist and a disciple of Eyal Yanilov.

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