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Bücher von Fatti Burke

Fatti Burke is an illustrator from Co. Waterford, Ireland. She has been working as a freelance illustrator since she graduated NCAD in 2012. Fatti illustrated the award-winning Irelandopedia and the follow-up title, Historopedia. She has won a number of awards including the Irish Book Award (2015) for 'Listener's Choice Award' and the CBI Book of the Year (2016) for the 'Judge's Special Award'. Fatti illustrated Bloomsbury's FactsI which published in September 2017. What the Dinosaurs Saw is the first book she has authored. Fatti lives in Portugal.
What the Dinosaurs Saw von Fatti Burke
What the Dinosaurs SawFatti Burke
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Lo Que Vieron Los Dinosaurios von Fatti Burke
Lo Que Vieron Los DinosauriosFatti Burke
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