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Bücher von Henry Patterson

Henry Patterson started his official business journey at the age of nine when he launched Not Before Tea. This children's brand was based on story book he had written entitled The Adventures of Sherb and Pip. All the characters in the book were bought to life through products such as bags, wash bags and soft toys which he got listed in over 60 UK stores. Today the products are sold internationally and Henry has just secured investment to grow the brand further. At 12 years old, Henry was a keynote speaker at the prestigious Retail Week Live event at the 02 in London, where he shared the stage with the likes of Facebook and Google. Despite battling a stammer, he developed a love of public speaking and has since spoken alongside some of the worlds top motivational speakers on stages in Malaysia, Singapore, Italy, Berlin and Vietnam. At the end of 2017, now 13, Henry set up a foundation to inspire young people. Plans are underway to develop this in to a practical online space, to enable budding young entrepreneurs to turn their business ideas into reality. This is set to launch April 2018. He is sharing the lessons he has learnt to schools an colleges throughout the UK, most recently working in a group of students from The Peter Jones Academy. Alongside his business and foundation, Henry hopes to develop his passion for musical theatre and one day perform on Broadway.
The Adventures of Sherb and Pip von Henry Patterson
The Adventures of Sherb and PipHenry Patterson
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The Politics of Illusion von Henry Patterson
The Politics of IllusionHenry Patterson
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Ireland Since 1939 von Henry Patterson
Ireland Since 1939Henry Patterson
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Young and Mighty von Henry Patterson
Young and MightyHenry Patterson
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The Politics of Illusion von Henry Patterson
The Politics of IllusionHenry Patterson
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Ireland Since 1939 von Henry Patterson
Ireland Since 1939Henry Patterson
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