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Bücher von Hugh Devlin (Professor of Restorative Dentistry, University of Manchester, UK)

Professor Hugh Devlin has taught at the University of Manchester for over 35 years and still retains his enthusiasm for teaching and research. He received the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award (2011) for Research in Prosthodontics and Implants. Hugh has over a hundred research publications, many of which explore the link between basic dental science and their clinical application. Dr Craven worked in general practice, community and hospital dentistry before spending over 25 years in university research and teaching. Studying for the award of Fellowship in Dental Surgery meant returning to study bioscience again after several years of clinical practice and sparked a lifelong passion to integrate the two disciplines. She now runs postgraduate programmes in research and dental public health, also leading the first year of the undergraduate programme. Integrating bioscience with clinical care and seeking to apply, appropriately, the best evidence, is at the heart of the Manchester programme and of this book.

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