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Bücher von Lauren Wilford

Lauren Wilford and Ryan Stevenson are editors at Bright Wall/Dark Room, a magazine that publishes long-form, carefully considered takes on film. They have been married and collaborating since 2015, and are currently based in Providence, Rhode Island. Matt Zoller Seitz is the editor in chief of RogerEbert.com; the TV critic for New York magazine; the author of The Wes Anderson Collection, The Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Oliver Stone Experience, and Mad Men Carousel; and the coauthor of TV (The Book). He is based in New York City. ? Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou are the co-creators of the online video essay series Every Frame a Painting. Their joint work has also appeared in the Criterion Collection and on the streaming service FilmStruck. They currently reside in Vancouver, British Columbia, where they work in the animation industry.

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