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Bücher von Marek Tamm (Tallinn University, Estonia)

Marek Tamm is Professor of Cultural History and Senior Research Fellow at the School of Humanities in Tallinn University, Estonia. He is also Head of Tallinn University Centre of Excellence in Intercultural Studies. His publications in English include an edited volume, Afterlife of Events: Perspectives on Mnemohistory (2015) and Crusading and Chronicle Writing on the Medieval Baltic Frontier (with Linda Kaljundi and Carsten Selch Jensen, 2011). Peter Burke is Professor Emeritus of Cultural History and Life Fellow of Emmanuel College at Cambridge University, UK. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and has published 26 books, and his work has so far been translated into 33 languages. His publications include History and Social Theory (1992, revised edition 2005) and an edited book, New Perspectives on Historical Writing (1991, revised edition 2000).

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