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Bücher von Moikom Zeqo

MOIKOM ZEQO, born in Durres, Albania, in 1949, is the author of more than a dozen books of poetry and fiction, as well as numerous monographs on Albanian history, literature, and culture. He served as Albania's Minister of Culture and for many years directed the National Historical Museum in Tirana. ANASTAS KAPURANI is the author of The Myth of Lasgush (Upfront [UK], 2004), a critical study of the Albanian poet Lasgush Poradeci. Kapurani lives in Athens, where he teaches for the London Institute City and Guilds program. WAYNE MILLER is the author of four poetry collections, including The City, Our City (Milkweed, 2011), and the forthcoming Post- (2016). He coedited New European Poets (Graywolf, 2008) and Tanura Ryuichi: On the Life & Work of a 20th Century Master (Unsung Masters, 2011. He is the editor of Pleiades.

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