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Bücher von Sabina Radeva

Sabina Radeva (Author, Illustrator)
Sabina Radeva is a graphic designer and illustrator based in London, England. In 2008 she graduated from the Molecular Biology M.Sc. programs at Max Planck Institute, Germany. In 2009 she left science for a creative career, and has since studied as an illustrator. Sabina is passionate about projects that blend science with art. She is the mother of two little girls that are her source of daily inspiration. Beautifully illustrated, her retelling of On the Origin of Species was an immediate sensation around the world when launched on Kickstarter - and it is now her first published book!

On The Origin of Species von Sabina Radeva
On The Origin of SpeciesSabina Radeva
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On The Origin of Species von Sabina Radeva
On The Origin of SpeciesSabina Radeva
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