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Bücher von Shane Warden

James Shore, signatory number ten to the Agile Manifesto, has been coaching agile teams large and small before they were called agile. He brings both breadth and depth to his discussion of agile development. In 2005, the Agile Alliance recognized James with their most significant award, the Gordon Pask Award for Contributions to Agile Practice. James is an internationally recognized speaker who consults for companies interested in agile development. He writes about agile development on his top-ranked blog, jamesshore.com.Shane Warden promotes free and open source software for O'Reilly's Open Technology Exchange. In practice, this means editing and researching. He is a co-author of The Art of Agile DevelopmentHe has contributed to several projects including Perl 5, Perl 6, Pugs, and, these days, Parrot. Someday, he'd like to claim some responsibility for improving the quality of all software.
Art of Agile Development von Shane Warden
Art of Agile DevelopmentShane Warden
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