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Bücher von Susan Carter

Susan Carter is a garden expert based in Seattle, Washington with extensive experience in landscape design, consulting, and maintenance. For 14 years, she has managed and worked at the Perennial Border of the Bellevue Botanical Garden in Bellevue, Washington. Susan trained as a commercial artist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, became a certified Master Gardener in 1997, and has traveled the world studying gardens in England, France, Holland, and Italy. She has written articles for Pacific Horticulture and the Northwest Perennial Alliance, and she won the Garden Writers Association Gold Award for Technical Writing in 2008. Susan enjoys hiking and mountain climbing at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Machu Picchu, and Mt. Rainier. She also enjoys long-distance trekking, snowshoeing, and cooking good food. Carrie Becker has spent 30 years immersed in the study of plants as a gardener, professional landscape designer, consultant, and educator. One of the original designers of the Northwest Perennial Alliance Border at the Bellevue Botanical Garden, she also teaches perennials, bulbs, annuals, and biennials in the horticultural department at Edmonds Community College in Lynnwood, Washington. A recipient of the Garden Writers Association Gold Award for Technical Writing in 2008, Carrie has written articles for Horticulture, Pacific Horticulture, Arboretum Bulletin, and the Northwest Perennial Alliance. She was the Hortus Praefectus of the Northwest Perennial Alliance in 2008. Carrie lectures in various garden clubs, nurseries, arboretums, and flower shows around the Northwest. When she is not gardening, Carrie can be found designing jewelry, collecting antiques, and cooking. Bob Lilly, another of the original designers of the internationally acclaimed Northwest Perennial Alliance Borders, is a garden writer and lecturer who works as a plant broker selling perennials to wholesale growers. He also creates display gardens for flower shows in the Northwest. With years of experience in plant retail, design, and growth, Bob is a botanical expert who furthers his knowledge through trips to gardens across the world. He was Volunteer of the Year in 2008 for the Arboretum Foundation of Seattle, and won the Gold Award for Technical Writing from the Garden Writers Association in 2008. Bob has performed lectures on a variety of topics for the Hardy Plant Society of Washington, the Professional Photographers Association in Columbus, Ohio, and local garden groups in the Seattle area. When he is not dealing with plants, Bob enjoys reading, traveling, film, photography, drawing, and impressionistic art.
Oh No, Raleigh Scott von Susan Carter
Oh No, Raleigh ScottSusan Carter
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