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Bücher von Timothy Darvill (University of Bournemouth, UK)

Timothy Darvill was born and brought up in Gloucestershire. He was educated in Cheltenham, and at Southampton University where he obtained an honours degree in Archaeology. His postgraduate research focused on the Neolithic period in Wales and the West of England. Between 1983 and 1985 he worked for the Western Archaeological Trust and the Council for British Archaeology before establishing himself as a freelance consultant. More recently he has been appointed to the BPF Chair of Property Development and Archaeology at Bournemouth University. A Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and a former Chairman of the Institute of Field Archaeologists, Professor Darvill is a nominated member of the Council of the National Trust and a Director of the Cotswold Archaeological Trust Ltd. Other publications include: The Archaeology of the Uplands (1986) and Ancient Monuments in the Countryside (1987).