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Bücher von Vasan Subramanian

Vasan Subramanian has experienced all kinds of programming, from 8-bit, hand-assembled code on an 8085 to AWS Lambda. He not only loves to solve problems using software, but he also looks for the right mix of technology and processes to make a software product team most efficient. He learned software development at companies such as Corel, Wipro, and Barracuda Networks, not just as a programmer but also as a leader of teams at those companies.

Vasan studied at IIT Madras and IIM Bangalore. In his current job as CTO at Accel, he mentors startups on all things tech. While not mentoring or coding (or writing books!), Vasan runs half marathons and plays 5-a-side soccer. He can be contacted at [email protected] for boquets, brickbats, or anything in-between.

Pro MERN Stack von Vasan Subramanian
Pro MERN StackVasan Subramanian
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