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If You Dare A. R. Torre

If You Dare von A. R. Torre

If You Dare A. R. Torre

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Equal parts Dexter and 50 Shades, this is the eagerly awaited new novel from A. R. Torre, author of the award winning erotic thriller, The Girl in 6E.

If You Dare Zusammenfassung

If You Dare A. R. Torre

The rules are the same. I can't open the door. I can't leave. I can't kill anyone. The only difference is, I don't set the rules anymore. Guards in grey uniforms do. It is everything I never wanted and everything I always deserved. I write to you now, from a prison cell. My home for the next twenty to thirty years. That's the going term for murder.

If You Dare Bewertungen

It's not for the feint hearted, granted, but A.R Torre does an incredible job of taking a sensitive subject matter and telling a compelling and thought-provoking story...The Girl in 6E is definitely worth a peek.

Dark, edgy, and thrilling in a completely unexpected way.

Über A. R. Torre

A.R. Torre is an open pseudonym for New York Times and USA Today bestselling erotica author Alessandra Torre. Alessandra lives in the southern United States and is married, with one young child. She enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and playing with her dogs. Her favorite authors include Lisa Gardner, Dean Koontz, and Jennifer Crusie.

Zusätzliche Informationen

If You Dare A. R. Torre
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Little, Brown & Company
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