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Ex-Cinema Akira Lippit

Ex-Cinema von Akira Lippit

Ex-Cinema Akira Lippit

25,99 €
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What does it mean for film and video to be experimental? This title features a collection of essays framed by the concept "ex-" - meaning from, outside, and no longer. It explores the aesthetic, technical, and theoretical reverberations of avant-garde film and video.

Ex-Cinema Zusammenfassung

Ex-Cinema: From a Theory of Experimental Film and Video Akira Lippit

What does it mean for film and video to be experimental? In this collection of essays framed by the concept "ex-" - meaning from, outside, and no longer - Akira Mizuta Lippit explores the aesthetic, technical, and theoretical reverberations of avant-garde film and video. "Ex-Cinema" is a sustained reflection on the ways in which experimental media artists move outside the conventions of mainstream cinema and initiate a dialogue on the meaning of cinema itself.

Über Akira Lippit

Akira Mizuta Lippit is Professor of Cinematic Arts, Comparative Literature, and East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Southern California. He is on the board of Film Quarterly, and is author of Atomic Light (Shadow Optics) and Electric Animal: Toward a Rhetoric of Wildlife.


List of Illustrations Acknowledgments EXC00 Exergue Ex-cinema EXC01 Out of the Blue (ex nihilo) EXC02 Extimacy: Outside Time and Super-realist Cinema EXC03 Cinemnesis: Martin Arnold's Memory Apparatus EXC04 The Rhetoric of Images, of the Unimaginable EXC05 Derrida, Specters, Self-reflection EXC06 (Parenthesis: Video Ergo Sum) EXC07 Digesture: Gestures Without Bodies EXC08 Extract Matthias Muller EXC09 Revisionary Cinema EXC10 xxxxMA

Zusätzliche Informationen

Ex-Cinema: From a Theory of Experimental Film and Video Akira Lippit
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
University of California Press
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