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Blessings Anna Quindlen

Blessings von Anna Quindlen

Blessings Anna Quindlen

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One night a young couple sneak onto the estate of wealthy Lydia Blessing and leave a box in the driveway. In the box is a baby and Skip Cuddy, the caretaker who finds her decides secretly to keep her. When Lydia Blessing discovers this she has choices to make, as she had many years before.

Blessings Zusammenfassung

Blessings Anna Quindlen

One night a young couple sneaks onto the estate of wealthy Lydia Blessing and leave a box in the driveway. In the box is a baby and Skip Cuddy, the caretaker who finds her decides secretly to keep her. When Lydia Blessing discovers this she has choices to make, as she had many years before.

Blessings Bewertungen

We are so lucky to have Anna Quindlen in our literary lives. With her big heart and her amazing humanity she reminds us all of our blessings -- Alice Hoffman
Qualities and shades of love are this writer's strong suit, and she has the unusual talent for writing about them with so much truth and heart that one is carried away on a tidal wave of involvement and concern. -- Elizabeth Jane Howard
Intelligence, clarity and heartrending directness * Newsday *
The honest of her storytelling is exemplary. * Sunday Telegraph *
Quindlen writes with power and grace. * The Boston Globe *

Über Anna Quindlen

Anna Quindlen is the author of three bestselling novels, Object Lessons, One True Thing and Black and Blue, and three non-fiction books, Living Out Loud, Thinking Out Loud and A Short Guide to a Happy Life. Her New York Times column 'Public and Private' won a Pulitzer Prize in 1992. She is currently a columnist for Newsweek and lives with her husband and children in New York.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Blessings Anna Quindlen
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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