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Power Unseen Bernard Dixon

Power Unseen von Bernard Dixon

Power Unseen Bernard Dixon

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Microbes affect every aspect of human society and every part of the natural world. This book contains a collection of stories about the many diverse, and often unexpected ways in which microbes affect the world. Each story centres on a different character, some of them rogues, some benevolent.

Power Unseen Zusammenfassung

Power Unseen: How Microbes Rule the World Bernard Dixon

Microbes - tiny unseen bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa - pervade every aspect of human society and of the natural world. They provide all our daily food; they were the original source of the world's abundant oil supplies; their presence in soil is essential to the existence of life itself. They also cause horrendous epidemics, from the plague and smallpox of past centuries to the continuing pandemics of cholera and today's growing AIDS crisis. Microbes have vanquished armies, swinging great military campaigns even more effectively than the strategies of generals or the machinations of politicians; they now provide life-saving antibiotics and other benefits of modern biotechnology. Power Unseen portrays the many, diverse and often unexpected activities of microbes through a series of 75 vignettes, each focusing on one particular organism and its characteristic behaviour. Here, then, is a portrait gallery illustrating microbial life in its astonishing diversity. Microbes have influenced history and they are helping to shape our future. They are still springing surprises, and they continue to threaten us; yet we could not exist without them. This book is intended for the general reader with an interest in scientist; biologists, microbiologists.


Part I The Makers - Microbes that shaped our world. Part 2 The Deceivers - Microbes that sprang surprises. Part 3 The destroyers - Microbes that still threaten us. Part 4 The Supporters - Microbes on whom we depend. Part 5 The Artisans - Microbes to shape our future.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Power Unseen: How Microbes Rule the World Bernard Dixon
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Oxford University Press
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