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The Spells and Charms Deck Bounty

The Spells and Charms Deck von Bounty

The Spells and Charms Deck Bounty

8,69 €
Zustand - Wie Neu
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The Spells and Charms Deck Zusammenfassung

The Spells and Charms Deck Bounty

This deck contains 50 charms and spells to help you get the best out of life. Inspired by the global, sympathetic and life-enhancing magic practised by wise women and men for centuries it reveals formulas for:

Bewitching your lover

Keeping peace between family members

losing weight

Avoiding restless nights

Increasing fertility

Ridding your home of bad spirits

Mending a broken heart

Revealing the truth about your relationship

Easing aches and pains

Improving your spiritual and physical energy

...and much more!

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Spells and Charms Deck Bounty
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Octopus Publishing Group
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