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Hearts and Hands Brandon Withrow

Hearts and Hands von Brandon Withrow

Hearts and Hands Brandon Withrow

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Hearts and Hands Zusammenfassung

Hearts and Hands: Volume 4: Chronicles of the Awakening Church Brandon Withrow

Let history come to life just the way it should do! Read the stories of the gifted preachers and justice fighters who led the 1st & 2nd Great Awakenings in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meet the American preacher who started a national revival in his tiny church. Spend time with the wealthy English politician and the former American slave woman who helped abolish slavery in their countries. Get to know the missionaries who built lasting Christian communities in China, India, and Africa. For the first 1700 years of the church, Gods people had worked to define Christian teachings and secure their freedom to worship. Now they began to see, in a new way, how the power of the gospel should change their feelings both toward Jesus and their fellow human beings.

Hearts and Hands Bewertungen

"The evangelical awakenings were also periods of remarkable social change, often brought about by Christians seeking to live their faith by helping those in need. We need to bring such lives to the attention of our children. Some names we know well, others we don't, but each moment in time from their lives is carefully chosen and beautifully written. "

-- New Life, Australia's Christian Newspaper (Australia's Christian Newspaper)

Über Brandon Withrow

Brandon and Mindy Withrow are both bloggers and writers. Brandon and Mindy Withrow are both bloggers and writers.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Hearts and Hands: Volume 4: Chronicles of the Awakening Church Brandon Withrow
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Christian Focus Publications Ltd
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