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Staying the Distance Catherine Baker

Staying the Distance von Catherine Baker

Staying the Distance Catherine Baker

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Staying the Distance Zusammenfassung

Staying the Distance: The lessons from sport that business leaders have been missing Catherine Baker

Staying the Distance showcases the much-needed leadership lessons that sport can teach us: how to improve, perform and achieve, in ways that are effective and sustainable. Leadership can be hard. It can certainly be relentless. The pandemic has wreaked havoc on the well-being, health and sustained performance of many senior leaders, and yet strong leadership remains central to the performance of every single organization. Business leaders are very familiar with drawing lessons from elite sport, particularly around teams, leadership and high performance. But we have all been missing a trick. Day in, day out, sport has been showing us not only how to improve, perform and achieve, but how to do so on a sustained basis, consistently delivering results when it matters. This book shines a light on these unseen lessons, and provides a clear and practical roadmap for how to deploy them in the reader's own leadership practices. With Catherine Baker's unique view into world-class sport and top-level business, and with insights from top performers in both worlds, this book provides a fresh and dynamic take on how - consistently and over the long term - to bring out the best in yourself, and in those you lead.

Staying the Distance Bewertungen

A thought-provoking insight into leadership, drawing on the world of sport to identify key drivers for business leaders. -- Baroness Sue Campbell * Director of Women's Football, FA *
Catherine successfully weaves together her own extensive experiences and those of some of the great leadership experts out there into a very engaging book. It is a great read with real takeaways for aspiring and experienced leaders alike. -- Stuart Lancaster OBE * Senior Coach, Leinster Rugby *
Catherine's book demonstrates the important lessons that sports can teach us about life and leadership. It's a must-read. -- Debbie Wosskow OBE * Co-Founder and NED, AllBright *
We may see our sporting icons as superhuman, but their achievements have lessons for us all. In this wise and invigorating book, Catherine Baker breaks down the secrets of sustainable success in any domain, with timeless insights into the habits of high-flyers. You will learn how to meet your own goals and to encourage optimum performance in others. It is essential reading for any leader. -- David Robson * Author of The Expectation Effect *

Über Catherine Baker

Founder and Director at Sport and Beyond, Catherine Baker is sought after as a keynote speaker - by organizations such as the Bank of England and HSBC - due to her unique blend of professional background and deep insight into the world of elite sport. She has appeared on speaker panels at a broad range of events, from a Women in Leadership programme (jointly hosted by Goldman Sachs and Deloitte) and the inaugural AllBright FoundHer festival, through to a groundbreaking event held in the Long Room at Lords hosted by Women in Sport. Catherine is also a member of the Steering Group of the O Shaped Lawyer (and will be Chair from April 2022), and has extensive experience as a non-executive director, most recently as a Trustee on the Board of the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust.


Foreword by Gareth Southgate 9 Introduction 11 PART ONE Getting the Best Out of You 15 CHAPTER ONE How to Find Your Confidence Sweet Spot 17 CHAPTER TWO How to Leave Behind Fear 31 CHAPTER THREE How to Leverage the Power of Your Emotions 43 CHAPTER FOUR How to Find Sustained Motivation 57 CHAPTER FIVE How to Bring the Required Discipline to the Table 73 CHAPTER SIX How to Prioritize Your Time 85 PART TWO Getting the Best Out of Those You Lead 101 CHAPTER SEVEN How to Build Trust 103 CHAPTER EIGHT How to Instil the Right Balance of Belief 117 CHAPTER NINE How to Foster Belonging 131 CHAPTER TEN How to Communicate with Positive Impact 145 CHAPTER ELEVEN How to Develop Your People in a Long-Term Way 159 CHAPTER TWELVE How to Make Your Values Count 175 CHAPTER THIRTEEN How to Navigate the Ownership Conundrum 187 Final Thoughts: It Really Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint 199 Reading List 201 Acknowledgements 203 Index 205

Zusätzliche Informationen

Staying the Distance: The lessons from sport that business leaders have been missing Catherine Baker
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Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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