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Watering the Soul Courtney Peppernell

Watering the Soul von Courtney Peppernell

Watering the Soul Courtney Peppernell

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Poetry and prose to encourage us to grow. Watering the Soul is a timeless reminder that everyone needs time, love, and forgiveness.

Watering the Soul Zusammenfassung

Watering the Soul Courtney Peppernell

Poetry and prose to encourage us to grow. Watering the Soul is a timeless reminder that everyone needs time, love, and forgiveness.

In the deepest, most enchanting part of the forest, a creature hands you a seed. Within the seed is your soul, ready to be grown again.

From internationally bestselling author Courtney Peppernell comes her new book of poetry and prose, Watering the Soul. In true Peppernell style, the book is divided into sections, this time following a step-by-step recipe, to heal your soul. Filled with themes that focus on forgiveness, gratitude, togetherness, and equality, Peppernell takes you on a journey to find a precious yet profound understanding; that a seed is not grown with haste and nor is becoming whole, that in each and every step, we find the meaning of watering the soul.

This is the story of your soul and how it can be grown again.

Über Courtney Peppernell

Courtney Peppernell is a best-selling author from Sydney, Australia, best known for her Pillow Thoughts poetry collection. The series has achieved acclaimed success worldwide, with more than a million copies sold since the initial launch in 2017. Courtney spends her days writing and working on many projects with her beloved dogs in tow. She hopes to continue exploring expression and the art of healing through stories, novels, and poetry for years to come. Stay tuned for more book releases and announcements from Courtney and her team!

Zusätzliche Informationen

Watering the Soul Courtney Peppernell
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Andrews McMeel Publishing
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