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Partials Dan Wells

Partials von Dan Wells

Partials Dan Wells

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 2


The only hope for humanity isn't human.

Partials Zusammenfassung

Partials (Partials, Book 1) Dan Wells

The only hope for humanity isn't human.

In a world where people have been all but wiped out by a virus created by part-human cyborgs called 'Partials', and where no baby survives longer than three days, a teenage girl makes it her mission to find a cure, and save her best friend's unborn child.

But finding a cure means capturing a Partial...

Partials Bewertungen

A thrilling sci-fi adrenaline rush, with one of the most compelling and frightening visions of Earth's future I've seen yet. I couldn't put it down PITTACUS LORE, New York Times bestselling author of I AM NUMBER FOUR

Mr. Wells has recombined familiar dystopian elements, added original ones and thrown in dashes of dry wit to create a sprawling, action-packed medical thriller full of big ideas and exciting reversal. The Wall Street Journal

Kira is a bold heroine with lofty goals, and readers will willingly follow her to the sequel, where things are sure to tilt again. ALA Booklist

A dark, wild ride. Kirkus Review

Über Dan Wells

Dan Wells is the author of the john Cleaver series: I Am Not a Serial Killer, Mr Monster, and I Don't Want to Kill You. He has been nominated for both the Hugo and Campbell award and has won two Parsec Awards for his podcast, Writing Excuses. He plays a lot of games, reads a lot of books and eats a lot of food, which is pretty much the ideal life he imagined for himself as a child. You can find out more online at www.fearfulsymmetry.net.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Partials (Partials, Book 1) Dan Wells
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
HarperCollins Publishers
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Das Buch wurde gelesen, ist aber in gutem Zustand. Alle Seiten sind intakt, der Einband ist unversehrt. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren am Buchrücken. Das Buch wurde gelesen, sieht jedoch noch wie neu aus. Der Bucheinband weist keine sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren auf. Gegebenenfalls ist auch ein Schutzumschlag verfügbar. Keine fehlenden oder beschädigten Seiten, keine Risse, eventuell minimale Knicke, keine unterstrichenen oder markierten Textstellen, keine beschrifteten Ränder.