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The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Daniel Bukszpan

The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal von Daniel Bukszpan

The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Daniel Bukszpan

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From trailblazing acts Black Sabbath, Metallica and AC/DC to modern standouts like Killswitch Engage. This title roots in 60s-era rock, heavy metal has smashed eardrums and shattered musical boundaries, inspiring millions around the world to grab an electric guitar and crank their amplifiers up to eleven.

The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Zusammenfassung

The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal: Completely Revised and Updated Daniel Bukszpan

This is special 10-Year Anniversary Edition - with lots of new and updated material. Since its roots in 60s-era rock, heavy metal has smashed eardrums and shattered musical boundaries, inspiring millions around the world to grab an electric guitar and crank their amplifiers up to eleven. In this essential, irreverent and illustrated guide to all things metal, veteran headbanger Daniel Bukszpan narrates the history of the music, from trailblazing acts Black Sabbath, Metallica and AC/DC to modern standouts like Killswitch Engage, Mastodon and Girlschool.

Über Daniel Bukszpan

Daniel Bukszpan is a freelance journalist, music critic and author of The Encyclopedia of New Wave, with a foreword by DEVO's co-founder, Gerald Casale. In his spare time, Bukszpan performs heavy metal and occasionally produces records under his own label, Smoking in Bed Records.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal: Completely Revised and Updated Daniel Bukszpan
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Union Square & Co.
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