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Skiing Team Struggle Dionna L. Mann

Skiing Team Struggle von Dionna L. Mann

Skiing Team Struggle Dionna L. Mann

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Skiing Team Struggle Zusammenfassung

Skiing Team Struggle Dionna L. Mann

Maddie loves being on the skiing team with her friend Sarah. Sarah is the fastest skier on the team. Maddie wants to beat Sarah's time but is having trouble. She takes her frustrations out on Sarah. Will Maddie realize that she needs to stop comparing herself to others before she ruins her friendship with Sarah?

Über Dionna L. Mann

Dionna L. Mann is a children's book author and freelance journalist who in her younger days loved biking, swimming, jogging, and meandering through the woods. She spent over twenty-five years volunteering and working in the school system where her talented now-grown children attended. Her favorite part of working with children was teaching them about the writing process and reading the beautiful and heartfelt words they penned. As a person of color, she enjoys learning about lesser-known people found in the journal of African-American history. One day she hopes to swim with dolphins. You can find her online at dionnalmann.com.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Skiing Team Struggle Dionna L. Mann
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Capstone Global Library Ltd
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