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Vogue x Music Editors of American Vogue

Vogue x Music von Editors of American Vogue

Vogue x Music Editors of American Vogue

36,99 €
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Vogue x Music Zusammenfassung

Vogue x Music Editors of American Vogue

Vogue has always been on the cutting edge of popular culture, and Vogue x Music shows us why. Whether they're contemporary stars or classic idols, whether they made digital albums or vinyl records, the world's most popular musicians have always graced the pages of Vogue. In this book you'll find unforgettable portraits of Madonna beside David Bowie, Kendrick Lamar, and Patti Smith; St. Vincent alongside Debbie Harry, and much more. Spanning the magazine's 126 years, this breathtaking book is filled with the work of acclaimed photographers like Richard Avedon and Annie Leibovitz as well as daring, music-inspired fashion portfolios from Irving Penn and Steven Klein. Excerpts from essential interviews with rock stars, blues singers, rappers, and others are included on nearly every page, capturing exactly what makes each musician so indelible. Vogue x Music is a testament to star power, and proves that some looks are as timeless as your favorite albums.

Vogue x Music Bewertungen

"Since fashion bible Vogue began 126 years ago, some of the great and good of the music world have graced its cover. The book features some of those iconic images, including Madonna, David Bowie and Patti Smith." -- The Sun
"Fashion and music are age-old bedfellows and this brilliant new book shows us why. From McCartney to Madonna, Louis Armstrong to Lady Gaga, the pages of Vogue magazine have always featured unforgettable portraits of the brightest stars. Now, the editors of American Vogue have put the best of them in one place. And, if glamorous pop icons aren't enough to hold your interest, the book is also filled with acclaimed photographers such as Annie Leibovitz and Richard Avedon, plus extracts from the interviews. What more could you want?" -- Daily Mail
"This stunning volume is a collection of some of Vogue's most inspiring portraits of music stars, from Kendrick Lamar to Patti Smith. The magazine's famous photographers perfectly capture these icons, and anyone obsessed with music will appreciate the interview excerpts that accompany the photos in this gorgeous collection." -- Apartment Therapy
"Whether it's Bowie or Bjoern, Madonnna or Marilyn Manson, Amy or Adele, Debbie Harry or Diana Ross, Vogue X Music is a must-have collection that features something for everyone. Indispensable." -- Classic Pop
"Among the highlights of 'Vogue X Music' are Helmut Newton's portraits of David Bowie in braces from 1983, Irving Penn's Dolly Parton close-up, and Annie Leibovitz's shoots with Rihanna, Patti Smith and Lady Gaga." -- i

Über Editors of American Vogue

Vogue is one of the most popular fashion and lifestyle magazines in print. The magazine has been published and distributed by Conde Nast since 1905.

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Vogue x Music Editors of American Vogue
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