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The Eighty Dollar Champion Elizabeth Letts

The Eighty Dollar Champion von Elizabeth Letts

The Eighty Dollar Champion Elizabeth Letts

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The New York Times bestseller

The Eighty Dollar Champion Zusammenfassung

The Eighty Dollar Champion Elizabeth Letts

Harry de Leyer first saw the horse he would name Snowman on a truck bound for the slaughterhouse. The recent Dutch immigrant recognized the spark in the eye of the beaten-up nag and bought him for eighty dollars. On Harry's modest farm on Long Island, he ultimately taught Snowman how to fly. Here is the dramatic and inspiring rise to stardom of an unlikely duo. One show at a time, against extraordinary odds and some of the most expensive thoroughbreds alive, the pair climbed to the very top of the sport of show jumping. Their story captured the heart of Cold War-era America-a story of unstoppable hope, inconceivable dreams, and the chance to have it all. They were the longest of all longshots-and their win was the stuff of legend.

Über Elizabeth Letts

Elizabeth Letts is the award- winning author of two novels, Quality of Care and Family Planning, and one children's book, The Butter Man. Quality of Care was a Literary Guild, Doubleday Book Club, and Books- A- Million Book Club selection. An equestrian from childhood, Letts represented California as a junior equestrian, and was runner- up in the California Horse and Rider of the Year competition. She currently lives with her husband and four children in Baltimore, Maryland.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Eighty Dollar Champion Elizabeth Letts
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Little, Brown Book Group
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