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Mannahatta Eric Sanderson

Mannahatta von Eric Sanderson

Mannahatta Eric Sanderson

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nicht auf Lager


In this new, accessible package, Sanderson takes you on a trip back through time, to explore Manhattan in its primitive form. Readers will be given a glimpse of what Manhattan looked like to its early explorers; before the skyscrapers, before the crowded sidewalks and the busy intersections of avenues and streets

Mannahatta Zusammenfassung

Mannahatta Eric Sanderson

On September 12, 1609, Henry Hudson first set foot on the land that would become Manhattan. Today, it's difficult to imagine what he saw, but for more than a decade, landscape ecologist Eric Sanderson has been working to do just that. Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City is the astounding result of those efforts, reconstructing in words and images the wild island that millions now call home. By geographically matching an 18th-century map with one of the modern city, examining volumes of historic documents, and collecting and analyzing scientific data, Sanderson re-creates the forests of Times Square, the meadows of Harlem, and the wetlands of downtown. His lively text guides readers through this abundant landscape, while breathtaking illustrations transport them back in time. Mannahatta is a groundbreaking work that provides not only a window into the past, but also inspiration for the future.

Über Eric Sanderson

Eric W. Sanderson is the Associate Director for Landscape Ecology and Geographic Analysis in the Living Landscape Program of the Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo. He is an expert in the application of geographic principles and techniques to problems in wildlife, landscape and ecological conservation, and has published numerous articles on the subject. Markley Boyer has worked with the Wildlife Conservation Society creating maps and visualisations for a new series of national parks in Gabon. He is also a silversmith, exploring similar themes of geomorphology in metal and wood.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Mannahatta Eric Sanderson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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