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Little Things Fearne Cotton

Little Things von Fearne Cotton

Little Things Fearne Cotton

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Little Things Zusammenfassung

Little Things: A positive toolkit for when life feels stressful Fearne Cotton

This book is a way to make small changes to feel better, even when under stress.

Stress is a normal part of life, but it can be overwhelming. The habits, tools and advice in these pages will help you cope better, to understand your own worries, and to pause and respond rather than react (we've all done it!).

This is all advice I've received - the lessons I've learned in my own up-and-down life, the expert conversations from my Happy Place podcast, and therapies I've tried - to keep working towards good days.

By focusing on small steps, practising self-awareness and getting creative with the exercises and simple ideas, daily tricks and practical tools in the pages of this little book, we can counterbalance our hectic world and unlock daily happiness.

Fearne x

Über Fearne Cotton

Fearne Cotton is one of the UK's most in-demand TV and radio presenters, appearing regularly on Radio 2, Children in Need and BBC Music Awards. As a busy mum of two young children, Fearne knows the time pressures on parents and kids. She's passionate about involving children and families from all backgrounds in activities that can improve their health, mental well-being and promote a lifelong love of reading, and believes that being healthy needn't be expensive, time-consuming or difficult!

Zusätzliche Informationen

Little Things: A positive toolkit for when life feels stressful Fearne Cotton
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Ebury Publishing
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