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Drone Photography and Video Masterclass Fergus Kennedy

Drone Photography and Video Masterclass von Fergus Kennedy

Drone Photography and Video Masterclass Fergus Kennedy

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The book takes the view that successful drone photography is all about the shot. So, while the reader is equipped with an essential introduction to drone technology, flying skills, safety measures, and legal requirements, author Fergus Kennedy demonstrates how the skills of planning, composition, lighting, focus, and exposure remains essential.

Drone Photography and Video Masterclass Zusammenfassung

Drone Photography and Video Masterclass Fergus Kennedy

Drones are changing the way we interact with the world, and - with one of their key applications being aerial photography - the way we look at it. With over 1.5 million posts on Instagram are tagged with #drone, a revolution in photography is taking place over our heads! Drone Photography & Video Masterclass contains everything a photographer needs to take their craft confidently and expertly into the skies; and everything a drone pilot needs to master this photographic genre. The book takes the view that successful drone photography is all about the shot, not the drone. So, while the reader is equipped with an essential introduction to drone technology, flying skills, safety measures, and legal requirements, author Fergus Kennedy demonstrates how the skills of planning, composition, lighting, focus, and exposure remain essential to capturing great images. Drone Photography & Video Masterclass is the essential guide to realizing the full potential of this exciting new playing field, and elevating the art of your photography to dizzying new heights.

Über Fergus Kennedy

Fergus Kennedy is a marine biologist, photographer, and film-maker, and an experienced multi-rotor pilot and camera operator. Through his company, Skylark Aerial Imaging, he provides aerial video, still photography, and 3D modelling services to clients including the BBC, ABC Television, Canon Europe, Love Productions, WWF, and the Royal Navy.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Drone Photography and Video Masterclass Fergus Kennedy
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
GMC Publications
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