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The The Gardener's Essential Gertrude Jekyll Gertrude Jekyll

The The Gardener's Essential Gertrude Jekyll von Gertrude Jekyll

The The Gardener's Essential Gertrude Jekyll Gertrude Jekyll

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A selection of the best and most important passages from Gertrude Jekyll's many books on gardening, incorporating design and ornament, colour and scent, and flowers in the house.

The The Gardener's Essential Gertrude Jekyll Zusammenfassung

The The Gardener's Essential Gertrude Jekyll Gertrude Jekyll

This wonderful book contains a selection of the best and most important passages from Gertrude Jekyll's many books on gardening. It is divided into eight chapters, on subjects from Design and Ornament and Colour and Scent to Flowers in the House, each one filled with sound common sense, wise advice and enormous knowledge which Gertrude includes in her books. Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932) was one of the founding figures of modern British gardening. 'The greatest artist in horticulture and garden planting that England had produced.' - Christopher Hussey

Über Gertrude Jekyll

Gertrude Jekyll (1843 - 1942) was one of the founding figures of modern British gardening. Born in London, she studied at the Kensington School of Art and maintained a career as a painter until nearing middle age, when she turned to horticulture. Before she died, she had written thirteen books and made plans for, or taken part in the planning of, almost 350 gardens, many of which were designed in collaboration with the architect Edwin Lutyens.


Introduction A Gardening Credo Design and Ornament The Year in the Garden Flowers, Shrubs, Trees Colour and Scent Special Gardens Flowers in the House A Country Miscellany

Zusätzliche Informationen

The The Gardener's Essential Gertrude Jekyll Gertrude Jekyll
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Quiller Publishing Ltd
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