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The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars Giles Sparrow

The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars von Giles Sparrow

The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars Giles Sparrow

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A complete introduction to the heavens through the tales of these 21 key stars.

The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars Zusammenfassung

The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars: (That You Can Spot in the Night Sky) Giles Sparrow

Previously published as A History of the Universe in 21 Stars.

'A delight and triumph ... A thing of beauty ... Truly, truly magical' talkRADIO

Look up on a clear evening, and you'll see thousands of stars shining in the night sky, each telling a story of their own. With star maps to help easily identify key celestial bodies, astronomer Giles Sparrow takes 21 stars (and three imposters) to look at what each pinprick of light can tell us about the birth, life and death of our universe.

From red giants to supernovae and from stellar cities to our own Sun, The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars shows how the lights we see in the sky can help us unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.

The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars Bewertungen

'A delight and a triumph ... A thing of beauty ... Truly, truly magical' -- Mark Dolan * talkRADIO *

Über Giles Sparrow

Having studied Astronomy at University College London, Giles Sparrow is now an editor and established author specialising in science, technology and their interaction with society. He has previously published over 20 titles including Universe, How the Universe Works and The Universe and How to See It. He currently lives in London.


Polaris * Mizar * 61 Cygni * Aldebaran * Alcyone/The Pleiades * The Trapezium * T Tauri * The Sun * Proxima Centauri * Tau Ceti * Algol * Mira * Sirius A and B * RS Ophiuchi * Betelgeuse * Eta Carinae * The Crab Pulsar * Cygnus X-1 * Omega Centauri * Delta Cephei * Andromeda Nebula * S2 * 3C 48 * Supernova 1944D.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars: (That You Can Spot in the Night Sky) Giles Sparrow
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Welbeck Publishing Group
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