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The Permaculture Garden Graham Bell

The Permaculture Garden von Graham Bell

The Permaculture Garden Graham Bell

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Working entirely in harmony with nature, The Permaculture Garden shows you how to turn a bare plot into a beautiful and productive garden.

The Permaculture Garden Zusammenfassung

The Permaculture Garden Graham Bell

The permaculture classic that launched a new movement in edible, wildlife-friendly gardening! The Permaculture Garden shows you how to transform a yard or even the smallest space into a highly productive garden that works in harmony with nature. Learn how to: * Plan your garden layout for easy access and minimum labour * Save energy on unnecessary chores like digging and weeding with techniques like mulching and growing ground covers * Save money by using upcycled containers to create a beautiful space * Use successional cropping to produce year-round harvests and build healthy soil * Choose the best plants for different sites and enjoy the benefits of plant communities * Reduce your impact by saving energy and harvesting water * Discourage pests and diseases without using chemicals. Gardening expert and world-class permaculture teacher, Graham Bell, offers a wealth of practical advice including planning a garden from a bare plot, designing raised beds, creating ponds and streams, building terraces on slopes, constructing greenhouses and providing special areas for children or animals. Whether you are looking for just a few improvements or the beginnings of self-sufficiency, you can become a positive changemaker in your own back yard with this lively, practical guide.

The Permaculture Garden Bewertungen

The Permaculture Garden is an excellent book about actually putting it all into practice in your back garden. It contains excellent species lists for useful plants for a wide range of situations. The first chapter is a kind of philosophical treatise on why to garden, and is littered with beautiful quotes from literature about the joy of gardening. This book is crammed with useful ideas. Rob Hopkins, Co-founder of the Transition Movement

Über Graham Bell

Graham Bell is the former editor of Permaculture News. He worked for the Princes Trust and is now a freelance environmental consultant. He lives and works in the Scottish Borders, and is married with two children.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Permaculture Garden Graham Bell
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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