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Butterworths Police Law Jack English

Butterworths Police Law von Jack English

Butterworths Police Law Jack English

33,99 €
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This seventh edition of "Butterworths Police Law" covers those areas of law and legal procedures with which all police officers are concerned. The text has been updated to take account of developments in the law during the year 2000.

Butterworths Police Law Zusammenfassung

Butterworths Police Law Jack English

A well-respected and highly-regarded book, Butterworths Police Law has been prepared in a way that recognises not only the needs of police officers, but also of those who wish to study the criminal law, and of members of the public who wish to refer to a legal text which is written in terms which they can understand. The text remains faithful throughout to its title and sets out to cover comprehensively those areas of law and legal procedures with which all police officers are concerned. The syllabus of the qualifying examinations for promotion has been borne in mind throughout preparation of the text and the availability of this book is invaluable to those who enter for either of those qualifying examinations. The new edition has been bought up to date with developments in the law since the publication of the sixth edition in 1999.


General principles. Elements of criminal procedure. Police powers. Police questioning and the rights of suspects. Treatment, charging and bail of detained persons. Identification methods. The law of evidence. The police. Traffic: general provisions. Use of vehicles. Control of vehicles. Public service vehicles. Goods vehicles. Lights and vehicles. Traffic accidents. Driving offences. Drinking and driving. Children and young persons. Intoxicating liquor laws. Betting, gaming and lotteries, Aliens. Animals, birds and plants. Game laws. Firearms. Explosives. Railways, Pedlars, vagrancy and dealers. Non-fatal offences against the person. Disputes. Homicide and abortion. Public order. Offences other than those related to sporting events or industrial disputes. Public order offences related to sporting events and those connected with industrial disputes. Indecent assault, sexual offences, procurement and abduction. Offences relating to prostitution, obscenity and indecent photographs. Drugs. Theft and related offences, robbery and blackmail. Criminal damage. Burglary. Offences of fraud. Handling Stolen goods and related offences. Forgery and counterfeiting. Preventive justice. Index.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Butterworths Police Law Jack English
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
LexisNexis UK
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