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Hillman Cars James Taylor

Hillman Cars von James Taylor

Hillman Cars James Taylor

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Hillman Cars Zusammenfassung

Hillman Cars James Taylor

William Hillman started manufacturing cars in Coventry in 1907 before selling his company to the Rootes Brothers in 1928. Three years later came the Hillman Minx, the first of a line that would endure in multiple forms for nearly half a century, even after the remarkable Imp arrived in 1963 to claim a slice of the market opened by the BMC Mini. Rarely revolutionary, Hillman cars nevertheless carved out a special place in the hearts of the British people as well as many overseas customers. This beautifully illustrated introduction to a classic British marque traces Hillman's history from its first cars at the turn of the century until, weakened by industrial disputes, it disappeared in the mid-1970s.

Über James Taylor

James Taylor has been researching and writing about motoring history for more than thirty years and is a respected author on many different automotive subjects. He has written more than one hundred books, including Rolls Royce, Land Rover and Family Cars of the 1970s for Shire. He lives in Oxfordshire, UK.


Hillman's Early Days The Large Hillmans of the 1930s The Hillman Minx, 1932-48 Cars for Everyman Dependable Transport with Style Decline and Fall Further Reading Places to Visit List of Hillman Models Index

Zusätzliche Informationen

Hillman Cars James Taylor
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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