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Nico, Songs They Never Play on the Radio James Young

Nico, Songs They Never Play on the Radio von James Young

Nico, Songs They Never Play on the Radio James Young

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Records the never-ending antics of a picaresque circus of addicts, outsiders and misfits who travelled the world encountering an equally bizarre and extraordinary mixture of people. John Cale, Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso are among those who appear in the ultimately tragic story of Nico, the last Bohemian. Originally published in 1992.

Nico, Songs They Never Play on the Radio Zusammenfassung

Nico, Songs They Never Play on the Radio James Young

The story of Nico, former model, film actress, singer with the Velvet Underground and darling of Andy Warhol's factory.;In 1982 Nico was living in Manchester, alone and interested only in feeding her heroin habit. Local promoter Dr Demetrius saw an opportunity, hired musicians to back her, rented a decrepit van and set off with Nico and the band on a disastrous tour of Italy. Over the next six years, until her death in 1988, Nico toured the world with assorted thrown-together bands. They made next to no money, appalled many of their audiences and occasionally, on the rare nights when the music worked, pleased a few.;James Young played keyboards for Nico throughout those years. In this book, he records the never-ending antics of a picaresque circus of addicts, outsiders and misfits who travelled the world - East and Western Europe, the United States, Australia and Japan - encountering an equally bizarre and extraordinary mixture of people: poets, artists, gangsters, losers and drifters. John Cale, John Cooper Clarke, Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso are among those who appear in this story of Nico, the last Bohemian.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Nico, Songs They Never Play on the Radio James Young
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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