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Digital Audio Forensics Fundamentals James Zjalic

Digital Audio Forensics Fundamentals von James Zjalic

Digital Audio Forensics Fundamentals James Zjalic

44,99 €
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Digital Audio Forensics Fundamentals offers an accessible introduction to both the theory and practical skills behind this emerging field of forensic science.

Digital Audio Forensics Fundamentals Zusammenfassung

Digital Audio Forensics Fundamentals: From Capture to Courtroom James Zjalic

Digital Audio Forensics Fundamentals offers an accessible introduction to both the theory and practical skills behind this emerging field of forensic science. Beginning with an overview of the history of the discipline, the reader is guided through forensic principles and key audio concepts, before being introduced to practical areas such as audio enhancement, audio authentication, and the presentation of reports.

Covering all aspects of audio forensics from the capture to the courtroom, this book is pivotal reading for beginners entering the field, as well as experienced professionals looking to develop their knowledge of the practice.

Über James Zjalic

James Zjalic is a multimedia forensics examiner from Birmingham, UK. He holds a master's degree in Media Forensics from the National Centre of Media Forensics at the University of Colorado, Denver, USA, and a bachelor's degree in Audio Engineering. His casework experience covers the entire scope of the justice system, from criminal through to civil arenas in relation to the most serious of offences and on behalf of various high profile organisations. Research highlights include peer-reviewed publications and international presentations on a range of multimedia forensics topics, including audio authentication and enhancement.


1. Introduction 2. History of Audio Forensics 3. Forensic Principles 4. Human Auditory System 5. Key Audio Principles 6. Audio Encoding 7. Preparatory Analysis 8. Audio Acoustics 9. Speech Forensics 10. Audio Enhancement 11. Audio Authentication 12. Forensic Reporting 13. Research

Zusätzliche Informationen

Digital Audio Forensics Fundamentals: From Capture to Courtroom James Zjalic
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Taylor & Francis Ltd
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