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Mirror Gate Jeff Wheeler

Mirror Gate von Jeff Wheeler

Mirror Gate Jeff Wheeler

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Mirror Gate Zusammenfassung

Mirror Gate Jeff Wheeler

Wall Street Journal bestselling author Jeff Wheeler continues his wondrous Harbinger series in which two young women unite as two worlds approach the brink of war... Though relations between Princess Seraphin Fitzempress and her father have been strained, Sera's royal position has remained unchallenged. Filled with self-doubt, she struggles to grasp the Mysteries-her greatest trial yet. An education in the enigmatic magic is a necessary one, should Sera plan to rise in her station and invoke her powers during war. But the emperor's death now leaves both Sera and her ambitious father eligible for the throne-a contest the prince regent intends to win. Even if it means an alliance with a rival empire. Sera's hope lies in Cettie, a waif raised in the world below, whose life has intertwined with Sera's in the most unexpected ways. The Mysteries come easily to Cettie, and her studies have begun to yield new insight into her growing powers. But those same powers put Cettie in the path of those who would destroy her. Now as the threat of war ignites and an insidious sickness spreads throughout the kingdom, Sera and Cettie will need to gather their courage and fight for each other's lives...and for the future of their endangered world.

Über Jeff Wheeler

Jeff Wheeler is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Kingfountain Series as well as the Muirwood and Mirrowen novels. He took an early retirement from his career at Intel in 2014 to write full-time. He is a husband, father of five, and devout member of his church. He lives in the Rocky Mountains and is the founder of Deep Magic: The E-zine of Clean Fantasy and Science Fiction. Find out more about Deep Magic at www.deepmagic.co, and visit Jeff's many worlds at jeff-wheeler.com.

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Mirror Gate Jeff Wheeler
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Amazon Publishing
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